Studio cLasses
Private & Group Lessons
Yoga for Beginners
Pre-Natal Yoga
Meditation Practice
Yoga Balance
Yoga Core
Benifits of Yoga
Vangmay Yoga’s incorporation of meditation and breathing can help improve a person’s mental well-being. “Regular yoga practice creates mental clarity and calmness; …
Suitable for everyone
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Lose Weight
While restorative yoga isn't an especially physical type of yoga, it still may help in weight loss. One study found that restorative yoga was effective in
Reduces stress
Talking with friends, exercising, and seeing a school counselor are just a few. Yoga can help reduce stress because it promotes relaxation, which is the natural
Raise your energy
Yoga increases your body's mobility, helping you feel more energized. Along with asanas, pranayama and meditation practices are also some of the
Balance hormones
Yoga For PCOS And Hormonal Imbalance. Bhujangasana Or Cobra Pose. Setubandhasan Or Bridge Pose. Shalabhasana Or Locust Pose. Masalasana Or Garland Pose. Prasarita Padottanasana Or Wide Stance Pose. Sasangasana Or Rabbit Pose. Ardha Chandrasana Or Half Moon Pose.
Train the mind
Training the Mind through Yoga contains guidance of great value to those reflecting deeply on the non-dual teachings and applying the methods to themselv
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Donec a euismod eros, nec porttitor sapien. Proin aliquam et tortor et elementum. Aenean ac fringilla nulla, sed pulvinar arcu. Phasellus lacinia vehicula luctus. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris eu est at enim blandit mattis.
Vivamus et risus sit amet quam dignissim vulputate. Maecenas id venenatis felis, at accumsan orci. Maecenas consequat purus ultricies nisi eleifend tincidunt. Sed egestas, sapien a pellentesque euismod, odio nibh dignissim nulla, euismod lacinia arcu turpis gravida tortor. Donec tempor enim ut sollicitudin pulvinar. Nulla sit amet blandit lectus.
Sed egestas, sapien a pellentesque euismod, odio nibh dignissim nulla, euismod lacinia arcu turpis gravida tortor. Donec tempor enim.